dmexco 2014: 10 Talks on the Future of Advertising

Advertising: for many people the colorful and pretty side of marketing in which creativity was the maxim of all actions for a long period of time. But, the media, consumers and advertising landscapes have been subject to a big transformation and will continue to be for the next years to come. How the future advertising could look like, which challenges it will face and which possibilities will open up are subject matters of a series of talks at dmexco 2014. Some like “Map the future”, “The future of Advertising”, “Three opinions – three promises: The best way to advertise” or “Future in five” focus more on general predictions and scenarios of advertising in the future as well as new concepts to advertise. Whereas others are looking at the industry’s future from a technological point of view e.g. in “What’s next in advertising and tech?”, “Technology driven creativity or Technology is nothing without creativity” and “Smarter technology for smarter advertising”. In the speeches “Performance vs. Social – the Growth Engines of the Future” and “The Gluten of Advertising” the prospective roles of programmatic and native advertising are highlighted. Finally the debate “Redefining Collaboration” concentrates on the new positions of publishers, agencies and brands in the future advertising market.

We look forward to travel into the future with you, to get inspired and take groundbreaking thoughts out of it to be ready for the future of advertising!

photo credit: x-ray delta one via photopin cc