Display Advertising is the type of advertising you see almost every time you open your web browser. As soon as you for example read your favorite news page or check your mail inbox on the provider’s homepage, image and video banners come into play – as long as you keep your ad block turned off. Nothing new about that.
But how can Display Advertising evolve through the availability of big amounts of user data?
Vishnu Balchand is Senior Product Specialist at Quantcast and an expert within the field of Real Time Bidding (RTB). Long story short: RTB gives advertisers the opportunity to bid on space for ad impressions in the very same second the user loads the website. Data Driven Display Advertising goes one step further and uses as much user data as possible to provide the right impression for the right receiver at the right time and the right place. So the task for Vishnu Balchand and Quantcast is to analyze and make use of data using clever algorithms.
Companies like Google and Facebook already laid the foundations for Data Driven Display Advertising by collecting and providing massive amounts of user data. And they started to use it for Data Driven Display Advertising, like for example Facebook did, bringing personalized display ads to your newsfeed via „Facebook Exchange“. Measuring of data and the so called Customer Journey works quite well already. But what Data Driven Display Advertising wants to do, is to create a parallel market where aggregators can collect, process and provide data – considering and understanding all marketing influences on the user.
So, quo vadis, Display Advertising? We had the chance to talk to Vishnu Balchand at the Online Marketing Rockstars Conference. Find his answers in the Video below!
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