AOL is back. We are already in. Nobody forced us to join this closed system, but we did it ourselves and we had good reasons for doing so. In this locked Internet, life is better. The Internet websites are faster, purchases are easier, it is all wonderfully convenient to use … Weiterlesen
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seitz
Über mich
Beiträge von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seitz
The Internet of Platforms – What does it mean for regional companies?
Der offizielle dmexco Termin für 2016
Die dmexco findet in 2016 vom 14.-15.9.2016 statt. Save the date for dmexco 2016: September 14 and 15!!! Wir sehen uns in 2016. CU again in 2016. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seitz Stuttgart Media University
Why I Attend dmexco Every Year and Why You Should Do Too
Day One of dmexco is over. Made me think why I attend dmexco every year and why I recommend dmexco to everybody in digital marketing. There are a lot of trade fairs out there, many of which are good. As an online marketer, it is quite easy to spend half of … Weiterlesen
With Transaction Content to Commercial Success
Professor Jürgen Seitz (Stuttgart Media University) talked to Christian Jörg, CEO and founder of Opentopic, for Internet Innovators. Christian is a serial entrepreneur and has long been a leader in digital media and the startup/venture world. He founded the New Technologies group for Bertelsmann AG in New York in the ’90s … Weiterlesen
dmexco: versehentlich weltgrösste Digital-Marketing-Konferenz geworden
Die größte digitale Marketingshow der Welt findet nicht in London, New York oder Cannes statt – sondern in Köln. Jeden September werden Köln und die dmexco zum Epizentrum des digitalen Marketings. Aus der ganzen Welt reisen Marketingverantwortliche und Werber an, um Strategien und Taktiken im Bereich des digitalen Marketings zu … Weiterlesen
dmexco: Becoming the Biggest Marketing Show by Accident
The biggest digital marketing show on earth is not located in London, New York or even Cannes. It is located in the city of Cologne, Germany. Every September dmexco becomes the epicenter of the digital marketing world. People come from all over the world to discuss strategies and tactics in … Weiterlesen
Content-Marketing – mehr als nur Search-Optimierung
Von einer Aufholjagd kann leider noch nicht die Rede sein, aber der Mittelstand erkennt zunehmend das Potenzial der digitalen Wirtschaft und die Möglichkeiten des digitalen Marketings. Treffer, der Blog der Gelben Seiten, fokussiert diese Zielgruppe. Es freut mich sehr, dass neben vielen Marketing und Start-Up Blogs auch in diesem Bereich Publikation wachsen und … Weiterlesen
Internet Innovation 2015ff: Audio is still underrated
Audio is still underrated. I started experimenting with audio devices and speech recognition approximately 10 years ago. It’s always been a quite disappointing experience for me, because these devices are rarely used due to low battery life, and speech recognition failed to deliver a great experience. I am an audio enthusiast, … Weiterlesen
Gary Vaynerchuk – An Online Marketing Rockstar
Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the most engaged people I know. I first met Gary almost ten years ago and have been impressed by his personality right from the beginning. Nowadays, Gary Vaynerchuk is an agency owner driving content, social media and engagement marketing to the next level. He is … Weiterlesen
Are we making progress? Innovation in 2015
Data‑driven social innovations versus technological breakthroughs Are we making progress, or not? Most of us would say yes and might even emphasize that, in the last 20 years, such great things as the Internet or Social Media have been invented. We decoded the human genome approximately 15 years ago, and … Weiterlesen
The power of aggressive moves in business and life
My wife and I have been discussing–for quite some time – the importance of personal traits for success in the game of business, as well as in the business of life. We’re convinced that being both curious and humble are important traits for being successful. What we’ve realized, in fact, … Weiterlesen
Moonshots – just a big PR stunt?
When talking about his investment in Planetary Resources–a company envisioning mining rare materials in space–Larry Page talks about „A healthy ignorance for the impossible.” When Elon Musk speaks about going to Mars, he talks about „the last opportunity to save mankind.” The press loves these statements and happily writes about … Weiterlesen