Wer kennt das nicht: Der Fernsehfilm oder die Lieblingsserie ist gerade so richtig spannend und man will unbedingt wissen wie es weiter geht und dann wird das Programm durch einen Werbeblock unterbrochen. Die meisten Zuschauer reagieren darauf genervt und nicht selten folgt der Griff zur Fernbedienung um das Programm zu … Weiterlesen
Kategorie: Digital Life DE - Seite 10
The unclear ROI of many NGO initiatives

The ICE Bucket challenge and the follow-up discussion on the high management costs of the organization inspired me to look a little bit closer on the ROI of NGO Initiatives. While high overhead cost can be a problem, there are two bigger problems at hand. 1. What initiative has the highest ROI? … Weiterlesen
Wie der digitale Wandel gelingen kann – Interview mit Arndt Groth
Seit Jahren zwingt die noch immer zunehmende Digitalisierung und fortschreitende Automatisierung Medienunternehmen zum Umdenken und zu großen Veränderungen ihrer Strategie und Ausrichtung. Gerade für Werbevermarkter bedeutet dies sich flexibel an die Veränderungen des Marktes anzupassen. Begriffe wie “Real-Time-Advertising” erfordern neben der Investition in den reinen Verkauf auch die Investition in … Weiterlesen
Just do it! – Nick Sohnemann über Innovation Hacking
Ein Produkt oder eine neue Marke in den Markt einzuführen bedeutet für viele Firmen heute immer noch ein aufwendiges Innovationsmanagement, viele Prozessdiagramme, hohe Kosten, aufwendige Planung und vor allem kostbare Zeit, die verstreicht bis zur Produkteinführung. Nick Sohnemann sprach auf der dmexco 2014 mit uns über Innovation Hacking, einer neuen … Weiterlesen
Are our heads in the clouds when it comes to service provider trust?

By Rafael Laguna, CEO, Open-Xchange The PRISM scandal exposed what many of us have long suspected: that we can’t be sure if our personal data is entirely secure. The revelation that the NSA intercepted Yahoo and Google data centers brought the word ‘trust’ to the top of the agenda across … Weiterlesen
We need to fix Wikipedia

My wife and I were fortunate to partake in a tremendous experience while traveling through Australia for three weeks. Mobile technology (both Android and Apple) and Online Services always traveled right along with us. We used our tablets to: • Navigate with Google • Conduct research on Trip Advisor • … Weiterlesen
4 things Silicon Valley can learn from Oliver Samwer

With both Zalando (basically a Zappos clone) and Rocket Internet (Oliver Samwer’s company builder) going public, discussions about Oliver Samwer and the so-called German copycat model spike again. Oliver Samwer has always been criticized for his copycat mentality and his aggressive business behavior, but there are some things Silicon Valley … Weiterlesen
Here’s why we need more female tech-entrepreneurs
According to several researches, especially tech companies are mainly founded by men. But women are on the best way to position theirselves in the male-dominated industry. InternetInnovators.com spoke to some female founders during the dmexco 2014. The startup industry is overwhelmingly a male-dominated industry. According to the German Association for … Weiterlesen
Highway to future: Connected Cars

Our future cars will autonomously handle a big amount of data in real time, fundamentally changing the physical, geographical, social, and virtual dimensions of mobility. It will not only foster new business models and marketing activities but also pose significant challenges for various users, companies, and countries. 1. The evolution … Weiterlesen
Standard Wars—Episode iOS 8

In the current era of Apple consumers, not only the sale of portable iDevices shoots up but also that of smart home products. It is, therefore, only a matter of time before Apple sets out to conquer parts of this area, especially at a time when Microsoft is joining forces … Weiterlesen