Wie der digitale Wandel gelingen kann – Interview mit Arndt Groth

Seit Jahren zwingt die noch immer zunehmende Digitalisierung und fortschreitende Automatisierung Medienunternehmen zum Umdenken und zu großen Veränderungen ihrer Strategie und Ausrichtung. Gerade für Werbevermarkter bedeutet dies sich flexibel an die Veränderungen des Marktes anzupassen. Begriffe wie “Real-Time-Advertising” erfordern neben der Investition in den reinen Verkauf auch die Investition in … Weiterlesen

We need to fix Wikipedia

We need to fix Wikipedia

My wife and I were fortunate to partake in a tremendous experience while traveling through Australia for three weeks. Mobile technology (both Android and Apple) and Online Services always traveled right along with us. We used our tablets to: • Navigate with Google • Conduct research on Trip Advisor • … Weiterlesen

Here’s why we need more female tech-entrepreneurs

According to several researches, especially tech companies are mainly founded by men. But women are on the best way to position theirselves in the male-dominated industry. InternetInnovators.com spoke to some female founders during the dmexco 2014. The startup industry is overwhelmingly a male-dominated industry. According to the German Association for … Weiterlesen