Rolf Kohler

Beiträge von Rolf Kohler
Where do you stand? – Learnings from the Consumer Openness Index
Will Easy Encryption Fix The Internet?

Internet services providers have some thinking to do when it comes to the topic of encryption. Does encryption help you to build your business or does its complexity drive customers away? There’s an increasing awareness that encryption is hugely important, but very few people are using it regularly because it’s … Read More
7 Things I Learned at the App Promotion Summit in London

It is a badly kept secret that mobile is well on track to become the place for digital developers to focus their attention if they want to reach customers. In the UK, more than 60% of the population own a smartphone with a penetration rate of 88% among 25-34 year-olds. … Read More
Consumer Openness Index 2015 – How open are you?

by Rafael Laguna, CEO, Open-Xchange People sometimes ask me why Germany is so much more privacy-conscious (or ‘paranoid,’ depending on your POV) than much of the rest of the world. I can’t give a specific scientific reason per se, but I know that our complicated history with surveillance has no … Read More
Why David Cameron’s encryption ban doesn’t make any sense

by Rafael Laguna, CEO, Open-Xchange Hot on the heels of the Charlie Hebdo attack, David Cameron’s assertion that we “must not” have forms of communication that can’t be listened into or monitored caused quite a stir in the tech industry. The wholesale ban on encryption that he is hinting at … Read More
Tied in an Internot: How the Internet went wrong

This year marks the 25th birthday of an invention that has changed the way the world functions, an enabler for incredible change and revolution in all areas of life. When Tim Berners-Lee put forward his proposal for the World Wide Web, little did he know to what scale it would … Read More
Is personal data the currency in a free mobile web?

According to a report by Ofcom, UK adults are spending an average of eight hours and forty one minutes a day on devices. People are connecting and sharing their data in unprecedented amounts, and it’s only accelerating. As communication has changed, a breed of company that specializes in turning consumers into their … Read More
Was geht im App Marketing? App Promotion Summit Berlin

We have been invited to the App Promotion Summit and decided to use this opportunity to learn and understand this interesting field better. The App Promotion Summit will be held at Hotel Adlon Kempinski on 20 November 2014. APS promosies to cover the full range of app marketing techniques including … Read More