Opentopic: How content marketing maximize the return on investment

Christian Jorg talks about Opentopic

Christian Jorg, CEO of Opentopic, talks about cognitive content marketing and how it helps enterprises maximize their digital marketing and ROI. The content marketing platform Opentopic, which has been launched in 2012, is an innovative software company and already the third start-up company established by Christian Jorg. Jorg began his career … Weiterlesen

SEO – Game Over?

Search Engine Optimization

One Google Update is following the other, that’s why internet marketers predict the impending death of Search Engine Optimization for several years. But is this really true? Is SEO going to die? The high number of updates Google applies to its algorithm is increasingly affecting the possibilities of identifying and … Weiterlesen

dmexco 2015: Die Top 3 Redaktionslieblinge

Unsere Redakteure stehen schon in den Startlöchern. Am Mittwoch ist es wieder soweit: Die weltgrößte Digitalmesse dmexco geht in eine neue, rekordverdächtige Runde vom 16.-17. September in der Messehalle Köln. Welche Highlights und Trends werden die Digitalwirtschaft wohl in diesem Jahr beschäftigen? Auf über 75.000 Quadratmetern erwarten uns bis zu 850 Aussteller … Weiterlesen